Email Marketing Helps You Grow Your Home Business

For business owners large and small, advertising your brand has never been so easy.  Nearly every person in the world today is connected to the internet somehow and every one of these people is a potential customer to you. Whether your business is online or a brick and mortar store, there is a way you can reach anyone with an internet connection via their home computers, cell phones, laptops and tablets.

It’s called email marketing, and when utilized the right way, it can be your best friend. Email marketing enables you to offer your product to everyone who may be interested in it, in short time. You simply design an ad or brochure and send it out to all your previous customers and new, potential customers. When they respond to your email, they are taken to your website and there your business grows.

Creating the perfect email isn’t hard if you keep a few basics in mind. A design that will catch their attention, a product that they need and a simple purchase and checkout process are some of the fundamentals of email marketing.

There is so much competition online these days, that you must find a way to be unique and catch people’s attention. Promise them a product that fulfills a need and provides something that your competitors don’t and come through on your promise. When they click on your email, they should be taken directly to a landing page that offers exactly what you advertised. There should be a quick and easy checkout process.

Remember, people don’t read emails, they scan them. The idea is to make your email stand out from the rest.  So how exactly to you get your email noticed and read? Here are some innovative ways to catch a reader’s attention and turn them into a customer:

1.      Ask the recipient to take a poll-something related to your product or service. Allow them to see the results of the poll. They will naturally be curious as to how many others feel the same way as them.

2.      Offer a fun survey with an incentive for completion such as a dollar amount or percentage off the advertised product or a free gift. The survey should have something to do with the niche your selling.

3.      Have a contest. Ask readers to submit a short story telling how they would use your product to their benefit or ask them to submit a photo of them using your product. Offer a great reward like a gift card or free product in return for the winner, with a few smaller prizes for the runners up.

4.      Offer a coupon they can print out and use on a future purchase. If they don’t buy your product at that time, they may consider it later, every time they see that coupon.

5.      Ask them to vote on a name for your product. Not only is it fun, but the winner is sure to tell all their friends about the new product they named…giving you more free advertising!

These are just some ideas of interactive email marketing. What kind of ideas can you come up with on your own?
